However, the UK also permits cream-colored Retrievers due to their regional popularity. If you’re going to want to enter your Retriever in pet shows, your pet will need to be light golden or golden. Show rings only recognize three coat colors in both America and the UK. It may be a sign of a mixed breed instead of a purebred Golden Retriever. These colored markings are flaws, according to the AKC breed standards. However, you will rarely see a Golden Retriever with pure white, true black, or other colors in golden coats. The American Kennel Club (AKC) standards for Golden Retrievers require a single coat color, although it’s not uncommon for the feathering (long fur around the legs and tail) to be a shade lighter than the rest of the coat. Golden Retrievers have a lush and thick double layer coat. In this article, I’ll cover the standard coat colors of Golden Retrievers, as defined by breed clubs, as well as the style of coat and grooming needs.

Some Golden Retrievers will even change shades as they grow into adults. Golden Retrievers are famous for their long, thick, shiny coats, which can vary in colors from cream to dark gold, and even red, depending on the type. While there are three signature types that fall under the Golden Retriever breed, they have five different coat colors between them. Golden Retrievers are among the most popular dogs in the world.